Senior Model Reps Wanted-Class of 2015! - North Central Nebraska Senior Photographer

March 01, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

senior model rep 2015senior model rep 2015




It’s that time of year to look for spokes models for our studio!! Silver Star Photography needs high school seniors - class of 2015 Model Reps!  Don't miss out on this opportunity to have the best Senior Portraits while getting 1 FREE session, earning print credits and lots of other Cool Stuff! 

What is a Senior Model?

A senior model is someone who will represent Silver Star Photography and share their experience with friends and classmates.  My hopes are that your friends will want to have the same amazing experience and book with Silver Star Photography.  You’ll have a free mini session & the chance to earn an entirely FREE session with booked referrals.  You can also earn discounts on prints and products –with additional referrals.  It’s that easy!!  


·         Fill out the application, the Deadline to apply is April 15th.  Finalists will be notified by April 30th.  Apply now – right here.  =)

·         I will accept­­ up to 2 models from each of the local high schools.

·         Models must have a parent or guardian sign full model release for Silver Star Photography to use images for advertising and marketing.

·         You don’t have to be a perfect model size or look like a model to get in. We base our decision on personality, activities and eagerness to participate.  We are looking for models that truly appreciate Silver Star Photography.

·         Remember, only a limited number of Silver Star Senior Model Reps are accepted from each school! If you meet our requirements…sign–up today! 

·         Terms subject to change at any time.

 Model Rep Benefits?

·         Free Mini Session this Spring – ( free hair & make-up at a local salon/booked by May 30th)

·         Each booked referral earns you a $50 print credit.  (booked by October 1)

o   In addition to your $50 print credit, you can also earn:

o   With 3 booked referrals – FREE Senior Session

o   With 6 booked referrals – Free ipad Mini

·         Website, Blog, Brochure & FB-Some of the places in which you may appear!  How awesome!!

·         Free Family Session (booked by Oct. 1)

·         Personalized Senior Model Cards to pass out to your friends

·         Mini Accordion Book to show off your Mini Session portfolio

·         Facebook Timeline Cover

·         Tag our name (Amber Shane) on Facebook in a status message and/or Check-In to the studio (Silver Star Photography by Amber Shane).

Senior Model Rep Responsibilities:

·         Required to invest $99, as a reservation fee to become a Silver Star Model Rep.  The investment goes towards your order. 

·         Recruit friends by passing out your rep cards & tell them how to Contact Silver Star Photography.  You do not need to discuss prices or packages.

·         Please do not give them to classmates who have a session booked with another photographer or speak unfavorably of any other photographer when promoting Silver Star Photography by Amber Shane. 

·         Get your friends excited about Silver Star Photography!!!

·         To spread the word, you MUST use images from Silver Star as your profile picture on FB this summer.

·         Sign a Senior Model Rep Agreement and Model Release (parent’s permission is mandatory)

·         Be positive, outgoing and willing to share your experience and images with everyone.

·         Be active in your school and community.

·         Have great style, lots of personality and enjoy being in front of the camera.

·         A promise to promote Silver Star Photography and ONLY Silver Star Photography… positively and exclusively.  (You can’t be a Rep for us & another studio, anywhere during the year you are a Model Rep)

·         You do not have to discuss prices or packages.

What is a print credit?

Print credits are used to purchase prints.  You earn a $50 print credit for every booked referral with Silver Star Photography.   Pass out those Senior Model Cards everywhere you go – enlist your family and friend to help!

How do I apply?

Fill out the application here!  If I contact you… you’re in!!!!


·         Website…

·         FaceBook Silver Star Photography by Amber Shane



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